We can make all the difference.
How you can support.
Any chapter is only as strong as its members. If you would like to get more involved, have energy and skills you would like to contribute, or have an idea for an activity or project, and the willingness to help make it happen, we’d love to hear from you. We are always looking for volunteers, committee leads, and the next crop of board members and officers.

Not a member?
Anyone with a New York City ZIP who joins TU automatically becomes a member of our Chapter.
Join New York City Trout Unlimited ➔
Military Veteran or Service Member?
Trout Unlimited’s Service Partnership is a nationwide effort to bring the healing power of the water to those members of the first responder (i.e., fire service, medical, law enforcement) and military (i.e., active duty servicemen and women, reservists, veterans) communities, and their families, who have served our nation so boldly.
We need people like you.
Your involvement is essential to the success of our various programs aimed at conserving and protecting our water resources and fisheries. By joining our list, you will receive updates and information about upcoming volunteer opportunities that make a difference in our community.
Fill out our form today to stay informed and become part of a dedicated group committed to environmental stewardship. Your support can help ensure the vitality of our rivers and the health of our aquatic ecosystems.
New York City Trout Unlimited is a non-profit corporation recognized as a tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Service code 501(c)(3).
Our policy is to only ask our members for financial support in relation to specific fundraising goals, such as our continued support for the NYC Trout in the Classroom program, or a particular conservation project.
However, If you would like to make a general donation to NYC TU, or a donation earmarked for a particular purpose, we would be extremely appreciative. Please contact us for further info, or donate online via. PayPal Giving Fund.
Follow @nyctrout on Instagram
Give us a follow. And if you have any photos you’d like to share, tag @nyctrout and #nyctu and we’ll consider featuring them in one of our posts or stories.
Follow us on Facebook
We keep the page going as we realize not everyone is on Instagram. Expect the same content, and the occasional shared post from other TU Chapters.